Name: Dr Ran Wei
Academic Division: Civil Engineering
Research Group: Construction Engineering – Digital Roads
Email: TBC
Personal website: TBC
Research Interests Ran’s research interests include Model Driven Engineering, Digital Twins, Model-Based Systems Assurance, High Integrity Systems Engineering, Real Time Systems, Automated Assurance of Robotic and Autonomous Systems. |
Strategic Themes
Research Project Digital Roads of the Future Initiative. The initiative is a University of Cambridge-industrial collaboration exploring how digital twins, smart materials, data science, and robotics can work together to develop a connected physical and digital road infrastructure system. |
Biography Dr Ran Wei is a Senior Research Associate at the Division of Civil Engineering of the Department of Engineering at the University of Cambridge. He is leading the Digital Twin team in the Digital Roads of the Future (DRF) initiative. Before joining the University of Cambridge, he was an associate professor (from 2020 - 2023) at Dalian University of Technology, China, where he focused his research on digital twins and model-based system assurance for robotic and autonomous systems. From 2013 – 2020, he was a researcher in the University of York, UK, during which he took part in (and managed) the MONDO (Scalable Modeling and Model Management on the Cloud), DAASE (Dynamic Adaptive Automated Software Engineering) and the DEIS (Dependability Engineering Innovation for Cyber Physical Systems) project, researching on model-based systems engineering and its applications. Ran received his PhD in Computer Science from the University of York in 2017, MSc in Software Engineering from the University of York in 2009, BSc in Computer Science in 2007. He also has extensive experiences in industry (Software Engineer at Intel from 2009 – 2011, Software Engineer at Motorola from 2011 - 2012). Currently, he, as a main contributor, standardise and maintain two international standards: the Structured Assurance Case Metamodel (SACM) from the Object Management Group (OMG), and the Goal Structuring Notation (GSN) from the Assurance Case Working Group (ACWG), providing expertise on designing Domain Specific Languages for these two standards. |