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Digital Roads of the Future


The Digital Roads Prosperity Partnership (DR) is a business-led £8.6m research project, supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), part of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI). The project is a partnership between Costain Group, National Highways and the University of Cambridge. In January 2024 the original 3 partners were joined by the Department for Transport and Digital Roads spinout company, Didimi. 

Digital Roads works alongside the FUTUREROADS programme, a £5.9m programme supported by EU MSCA COFUND, with 26 experienced researcher fellowships over 60 months. 

Digital Roads is leading the way in the digital revolution of our vital road network, a once-in-a-century transformation to make roads safer and greener. The research explores how Digital Twins, smart materials, data science and robotic monitoring work together to develop a connected physical and digital road infrastructure system. The vision is to deliver resilient roads that can measure and monitor their own performance over time, to make roads safer and greener.  

The Prosperity Partnership agreement was signed on 01 October 2021 with the project start date of 01 April 2022. The project will close on 31 March 2027.

The Digital Roads Platform 

The video below describes the Digital Roads research ambition. To find out more about our research, dip in here, Research or contact our Research Team

The Digital Roads Dataset: CAMHighways

The CAMHighways dataset has been built from mobile mapping data that surveyed over 40km of UK Highways.

The dataset consists of textured meshes for road assets (including the pavement, traffic signs and road furniture), segmented and classified point clouds, orthomosaics generated from pavement images, defect label annotations and shapefiles, and ground penetrating radar point clouds.  All modalities are georeferenced and can be integrated into game engines and/or GIS software.  

The Digital Roads dataset has been made publicly available to help further investigation into the management of our national infrastructure and has been made available to the public. For more information click here.

Digital Roads Prosperity Partnership Annual Review & Workshop 2023

Our first Annual Review was held on 8th September 2023, you can find more about the event here: Digital Roads Annual Review 2023. You can also download our short pamphlet to find out more about the challenges, vision and approach to research that Digital Roads is taking as well as the progress achieved in our first year. Click to download pdf