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Digital Roads of the Future


Name: Mr Joseph Stephenson 

Division: Civil Engineering

Research Group: Geotechnical and Environmental



Research Interests

Joseph is keen to explore how highways construction and maintenance can be adapted and decarbonised on the road to net zero. Reducing our reliance on virgin materials and energy-intensive construction processes will future-proof our highways network.  

Strategic Themes

  • Future transport infrastructure: Building resilience into our transport networks to meet current and future challenges. 
  • Circular economy in construction: Exploring modifications to materials that can be implemented to increase recyclability and reuse.  
  • Extending the life of road assets: Optimising key materials and maintenance regimes to prolong the design life of pavements.       

Research Project

Supervised by Professor Abir Al-Tabbaa, Joseph’s research aims to review and promote sustainable highways materials, both extracting from and challenging aspiration in the industry. National Highways sponsors the research and provides industrial supervision through senior pavements adviser Matt Wayman. 


Joseph graduated from University of Birmingham with a first-class MEng in Civil Engineering. As part of this degree, Joseph spent a year studying abroad at University of Melbourne and a year working full-time for the contractor Octavius Infrastructure on a major strategic highway project. During this placement, Joseph worked as a site engineer overseeing the site’s earthworks and pavement operations. He has also undertaken placement work with Bryan G Hall, a specialist regional highway engineering consultancy. 

Outside of academia, Joseph is a keen musician, singing and touring with Trinity College Choir. 

Joe Stephenson